Crypto King Brock Pierce Spent Big Bucks for Hurricane Damaged Hotel


Former child star and crypto billionaire Brock Pierce has bought the W Hotel in Puerto Rico, which was closed in 2017 after Hurricane Maria, for $18.3 million!

The hotel, devastated by Hurricane Maria, "was once the economic engine of the island and it's largest employer," Pierce told The New York Post.

The Crypto King, who appeared in the 1992 film The Mighty Ducks, said, "It felt appropriate to do so after being locked down for years and watching it on the market for a long time."

Pierce also revealed his plans for the hotel and said that millions will be invested in the hotel to bring back its lost glory and make it an international destination once again.

"The glory years of the island were when the property was open. Anyone who had ever visited it was so amazing. White sand beach, two big pools," he said, "the idea is about regenerative practices. We Will try something new and try something new."

In addition to a restaurant called Drift, Pierce already has another hotel in the same area, called Hacienda Tamarindo.

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