Interview for ED slot invalid: HEC member

Karachi: Member of Higher Education Commission (HEC) from Balochistan and former Vice Chancellor of Balochistan University, Dr. Javed Iqbal has demanded to end the process of interview for the post of Executive Director, calling it illegal.

In a letter to the Executive Director Dr. Shaista Sohail, the member of the Commission, Dr. Javed Iqbal said that the interviews for the post of Executive Director are being held on February 3. Dr. Javed Iqbal wrote: “As per the rules and regulations, only the Higher Education Commission is empowered to appoint a selection committee including the necessary experts for the appointment of the Executive Director.” He said that for this a committee has already been constituted by the commission. has been carried out.

He said: "A new committee has been notified which is in clear violation of the commission's ordinance and cannot be accepted." “As a member of the Higher Education Commission, it is requested to intervene in the matter and stop this illegal act to avoid legal complications,” Dr Javed concluded.

The HEC, however, clarified that the seven-member selection board has been notified as per the rules notified in the Gazette of Pakistan. The selection board consists of the Chairman of the HEC, the Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education, the Secretary to S&T, the Vice-Chancellor/Rector of any public sector university, the President/in-charge of the HEC, the Executive Director HEC and an expert nominated by the Member (O&T). Huh. ) It is further clarified that the HEC Chairman nominates the Expert Member and the Vice-Chancellor, hence there is no ambiguity with respect to the composition of the HEC Selection Board.

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