'Mute on Kashmir, debate about Xinjiang': West is double, says Imran


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday said that the West's selective silence on human rights violations in India's illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) is deaf and it is very difficult to talk about Uighurs in Pakistan, but more on it. Doesn't say anything. Worst rights abuses in IIOJ&K committed by India.

The prime minister called it his (West's) double standard in highlighting China's alleged mistreatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang and remarked, "What we find very difficult to swallow in Pakistan is when they talk about Uighurs. When I talk about it, they don't talk much about it in the West. IIOJ&K because the worst human rights violations are happening there by India.

Responding to a question, Imran said his visit to China next week would give him an opportunity to watch the Winter Olympics. Despite being a player for almost 20 years, he had not seen such an event before. Being in politics, he did not get time for sports.

The prime minister was giving an interview to Chinese journalists here and asking them questions ahead of his visit to China, where he will attend the inaugural session of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. He emphasized that somehow there is selective silence about human rights in IIOJ&K, where about nine million people are basically living in the worst conditions and it is almost an open prison by these 800,000 Indian soldiers.

He regretted that on the one hand they (the West) talk about Xinjiang, but on the other, it is this silence on the IIOJ&K, which is deaf to us, while there was a lot of criticism from the West about the treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang . , Pakistan's ambassador to China had visited the region and found that this is not actually true on the ground.

The Prime Minister expressed his eagerness to participate in the Olympics, saying it would be his first time and it was highly commendable for China to go ahead with the event when the pandemic had adversely affected several sporting events.

He also appreciated and emphasized that the deep ties between the two countries have strengthened over time. PM Imran said, 'There is a feeling in Pakistan that China has always stood by us in times of need and supported us in difficult times. Similarly, Pakistan has always stood by China: the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project further connected countries and entered Phase Two of its operation, which focuses on industrial development.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan looks forward to cooperating with China on many more fronts such as sports, information technology, agriculture, poverty alleviation, development and city planning and management. "Pakistan wanted to emulate the Chinese model of development because it was inclusive," he remarked and referred to the construction of the Karakoram Highway as an important milestone in the chapter of Pakistan-China friendship, while many during its construction The Chinese were killed.

Responding to a question, he said that the most impressive thing about China which has been acknowledged by the whole world was its success in lifting 700 million people out of poverty during the last 30-40 years and he said that such a great achievement It had never happened before in human history. , He said that it was a festival that affected the world. "It is this fact that impressed me as well because it coincides with my aim to lift my people out of poverty."

In response to another question, he said that he would like to emulate the steps taken by China to eradicate poverty. We want to emulate the Chinese model of inclusive growth. The development of the Chinese economy saw the prosperity of all Chinese people.

The Prime Minister said that such inclusive growth had bridged the bridge between the rich and the poor: China has been a model for all countries that wanted inclusive growth. He also conveyed his best wishes to the Chinese government and people on the arrival of the New Lunar Year celebrations on his behalf and on behalf of the people of Pakistan.

Asked about Afghanistan, he emphasized that foreign powers cannot leave the country without thinking of their people, and warned that the country could see the worst humanitarian crisis if everyone left it. Saying that the international community should only think of 40 million Afghans. Whether they like the Taliban government or not should be secondary.

He said that after 40 years, the war-weary country got a chance for peace, while the international community did not think about Afghans after the withdrawal of foreign troops. He didn't think how these poor people would survive.

The Prime Minister said when the Soviet Union left Afghanistan; There was utter chaos and casualties. “Now everyone has left Afghanistan. I am talking about the 40 million Afghan people who are facing the worst humanitarian crisis right now. The same chaos and devastation that followed the withdrawal of the Soviet Union could return to Afghan soil," he warned.

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