PM Imran condemns West's 'selective silence' on atrocities in occupied Kashmir

 ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday slammed Western countries over their "selective silence" and double standards related to "serious human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir".

During an interaction with Chinese media, PM Imran said that the West did not talk about Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), where the worst human rights violations were committed by Indian forces.

“There is selective silence on Kashmir,” he said, adding that occupied Kashmir was turned into an open prison by 800,000 Indian soldiers, and such silence on Kashmir was deafening that was based on double standards.

Responding to a question about Afghanistan, the Prime Minister said that the country is suffering for the last 40 years as foreign countries have turned its soil into a battlefield.

After the withdrawal of foreign troops, the international community did not think about the Afghans.

“Now everyone has left Afghanistan. I'm talking about the 40 million Afghan people who are currently facing the worst humanitarian crisis ever," he warned, warning that the same chaos and destruction could return to Afghan soil as the Soviet Union retreated. happened after.

Pak-China relations strengthened over time

Expressing his eagerness to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 during his upcoming China visit, PM Imran said that the ties that have stood the test of time between the two countries have strengthened over time.

The Prime Minister said that the two countries had bonds of friendship over a period of 70 years, which were further strengthened with the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

He said, 'There is a feeling in Pakistan that China has always stood by us in times of need and supported us in difficult times. Similarly, Pakistan has always stood with China.

The Prime Minister described the construction of the Karakoram Highway as an important milestone in the chapter of Pakistan-China friendship.

Replying to another question, the Prime Minister said that he would like to emulate the steps taken by China to reduce poverty. We want to emulate the Chinese model of inclusive growth. The development of the Chinese economy saw the prosperity of all the Chinese people,” he said.

The Prime Minister said that such inclusive growth has bridged the gap between the rich and the poor. He said that China has been a model for all countries that seek inclusive development.

Such growth also contributed to wealth creation, he added. China remained focused on the economy and when it achieved development, its fruits reached all sections of society.

Regarding CPEC, the Prime Minister said that its first phase focused on connectivity and the energy sector, but now they were developing special economic zones and agriculture, seeking Chinese cooperation to improve their productivity, crop yields and livestock. While referring to the latest varieties of cotton crop developed by China.

He also referred to information and technology as another area of ​​cooperation as the future of the world rests on the development of the IT sector. He said that China has made progress in the IT sector.

Talking about another area of ​​cooperation between the two countries, he said that they would learn from China's experience in rebuilding big cities and facing the problems of air pollution and waste disposal etc.

The Prime Minister said that he would also teach the Chinese nation to play cricket, expressing the hope that the Chinese would excel in the sport as they had excelled in the Olympic Games during the past few years.

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