Senate opposition helpless despite majority


ISLAMABAD: Former Speaker Senator Mian Raza Rabbani said Friday was a day of shame for Parliament collectively, in particular, when the Senate passed a document of surrender, a document that made Pakistan a colony of international donors and imperialists. Gave.

But at the same time, Rabbani advised the opposition in the Senate to purge the "soft at heart" members and those on opposition benches but vote for the Treasury.

“Yesterday (Friday) was a sad day as it once again saw the opposition crumbling despite having a majority in the Senate. This joke has gone too far,” he said, expressing his objection about the opposition senators who stayed away from the Senate proceedings and who claimed to be the opposition but the government on the passage of the State Bank (Amendment) Bill 2021 took the side. Despite the majority.

Speaking to The News on Saturday, Senator Rabbani said it was the Senate, with a handful of opposition senators, standing like Stalingrad against dictators Zia and Pervez Musharraf.

"Today I have buried the legacy I helped build," he said, adding that the Federation and federal units have been greatly weakened by this failure of the Senate. "The history of Pakistanis and future generations will not forgive us."

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