70 percent dissatisfaction with economic policies: survey


Karachi: A recent opinion poll found seven out of 10 Pakistanis, with 70 per cent of respondents disapproving of the country's economic policies, while 69 per cent of respondents expressed disappointment with the overall policies governing the country. But against all this, 50 percent of the respondents expected the new year to free them from the worries of the present.

Pulse Consultants conducted an opinion poll from January 13 to 21, 2022, asking more than 2,000 people to answer questions about the economic direction, the country's overall policies, political direction and New Year's expectations.

The survey found that 70 percent of the respondents disapproved of the country's economic policies, that is, seven out of 10 Pakistanis, while 27 percent of the respondents approved them. Interestingly, those considering taking the country in the wrong direction have come down to 66 per cent from the previous 72 per cent. By the same token, the approval rating for the country's policies increased from 25 pc to 29 pc.

70 percent dissatisfaction with economic policies: survey

To the question about the expectation of an improvement in conditions for a person, a significant 50 pc expressed hope that the new year would usher in better conditions free from existing worries and worries, while 19 pc expressed hope that the situation would worsen. Felt and 24 pcs felt new year. Will not reflect any new changes and existing conditions will remain in place.

At least 60 percent hoped that the new year would be better for their families, 14 percent thought things would get worse and 17 percent of the respondents felt that there would be no change.

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