7 Skincare Secrets Angelina Jolie Follows For Her Gorgeous Glow

She has been seeing a dermatology since the age of 11.

7 Skincare Secrets Angelina Jolie Follows For Her Gorgeous Glow

When you are one of the most beautiful women in the world, there is a lot of pressure to look good. But like everything thrown at Angelina Jolie, 46, she doesn't seem to be phasing her out. The actress and filmmaker alike is known for her philanthropic work, which explains her belief that the best way to be beautiful is through your intelligence. "I often tell my daughters that the most important thing they can do is develop their brains," Angelina wrote in an essay for ELLE. "You can always wear a beautiful dress, but it doesn't matter what you wear outside if your mind isn't strong. There's nothing more attractive than a woman with a free will and her own opinion - you can even say seductive." can."

Angelina doesn't hold back from aging—in fact, she embraces it. "I look in the mirror and I see that I look like my mother, and it warms me up," she told InStyle. "I see myself getting older too, and I love it because it means I'm alive—I'm living and getting old. Don't like the random dark spot from pregnancy, of course. I love my flaws." But what I like about what I see isn't about structure or appearance. It's more that I see my family on my face. I see my age." And we see one stunner that just gets more beautiful over time—here's how she does it.

He began to see a dermal youth.

At 11 years old, to be exact. “I have had the same dermatologist since I was 11; her name is Rhonda Rand,” Angelina has said. “This is what my mom gave me when I was little with my first scars. I think that's really helped me, for someone who is so excited to be as natural as possible. Those lessons stuck with her, as she still keeps her routine as simple and natural as possible.

She never skips sunscreen.

Angelina has always practiced sun protection, which is the key to eternal youth. "She's been very good about using sunscreen from such a young age to protect her skin," Angelina's dermatologist, Dr. Rand, told Refinery29. "She knew the sun isn't good for skin in general—in terms of pigmentation problems and she's also good about wearing that hat, which is very important. It hydrates a lot and is very moisturizing But again, it's the sun protection that will prevent you from aging more than anything else."

She knows how to balance her makeup.

We've all heard that rule before—pick a feature and play it. Angelina is like this. "I either do black eyes or red lips," she has said. "I have very full, big features, so if I did everything, I'd look like a clown. It would just be… a lot."

Angelina isn't afraid to do her own makeup, and can do so when duty calls. "I don't want to depend on a makeup artist," she has said. "I'm a lot more comfortable with just a little concealer for my dark circles. That's my main thing."

She doesn't go overboard with the treatment.

Although her pillowy lips and perfect nose may have inspired many people to seek out a cosmetic surgeon, Angelina herself hasn't been one — but she's not judging those who have. "I haven't done anything and I don't think I will," she told the UK's Daily Mail. "But if it makes someone happy it's up to them. I'm not in someone else's skin to know what makes them feel good about themselves. But I don't plan on doing it myself."

However, he has used laser treatment. "When I got pregnant, I had darker areas [on my face] that got darker. So I do IPL [intense pulsed light] every once in a while," Angelina has said.

She is a makeup minimalist.

"The thing about [Angelina] is that she doesn't wear makeup unless she's working out—that's probably another reason her skin looks good." "She's also good about removing makeup. I know her makeup artist is very careful about what she puts on her skin and takes good care of it while she works."

She keeps her skincare routine simple and sticks to it.

"She's lucky that her mom has beautiful, olive skin," Dr. Rand has said. "She's always been such a natural beauty, so she never had to do much. It was really just sunscreen, a mild, gentle cleanser, antioxidants, occasional glycolic [acid] and proper cleansing with natural products. Something Alpha hydroxy [acids] are good too, and they're very natural. She doesn't need major scrubs or products with a lot of chemicals.

“When she travels, she takes a good skin care regimen [including alpha hydroxys or antioxidants] with her,” Dr. Rand has said. "I have one product she loves: Dermabasic RR Perfection Cream. It's a chemical-free antioxidant. Sunscreen and it's a good thing to take with you on the go. We have another product that she loves and takes with her." Have: Dermabasic Glycolic Acid Pads 20%. They remove stratum corneum, increase collagen and elastin, keep pores clear and look smaller, and even out discoloration."

She has her own definition of beauty.

Angelina said, "The people I see as beautiful are the ones who are not fit or beautiful for someone else's opinion." "I've always been attracted to people who are unique, different, and just being myself. It makes me a little sad when I see someone unable to be in their own skin and not feel comfortable in that." There are a lot of things in society that make people feel that way."

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