Donald Trump thinks Meghan Markle will 'leave' Prince Harry for 'another man'


Donald Trump is the latest to lash out at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

As Mirror Online reports, Donald Trump is the latest to direct his scathing criticism at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, telling Piers Morgan, a fierce critic of the pair, that Meghan is likely to leave Harry soon.

Piers Morgan, the former US President, was a guest on Morgan's new TV show Uncensored, and during their lengthy conversation, he boasted about his prediction skills.

The explosive conversation began with Morgan: "Here's my issue with it. I think they've left the country, they've given up royal duty, they're living in luxury in California. want to use their royal title to exploit.

He continued: "Without the duty that comes with royal titles. I don't think you can go and eat your royal cake. That's my argument about it."

Trump told him, echoing Morgan's argument: "I want to know what's going to happen when Harry decides he's had enough to be the boss. Or maybe when he decides he's going to be someone else." Likes the guy better. I want to know what's going to happen when it ends, okay."

In the same excerpt from the interview, Morgan then asked Trump if he thought Meghan and Prince Harry were headed to Splitsville, to which he said: "I do."

Trump then said: "I've been a pretty good forecaster, as you know, I predicted almost everything. It's going to end and it'll end bad. And I wonder if Harry will get his hands on and off." Will go back to the beautiful city of London on his knees and say, Please. You know, I think Harry's been led down a path."

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