Amber Heard lawyer Elaine seen 'crying in courtroom bathroom' after Heard fight

Amber Heard attorney, Ellen Breedhoft, broke down in tears after Friday night's closing argument.

A group of court-goers took to their Twitter following the end of the trial and shared how they saw Elaine on her way to the bathroom, seemingly upset by the ongoing criticism.

"Late after the trial, before the jury went home, #ElaineBredehoft left for the bathroom crying. We all felt so bad for her.

After he came out, we tried to make him smile. I hope this helped," Jamesfromcourt wrote.

"We don't know why she was crying, but we all noticed that with all this public attention for her while defending a client she probably doesn't like, and who constantly abuses her." How hard must it be to deal with." ,

Other Twitter users were quick to jump on the bandwagon to support Ambe Heard's lawyer.

"We're all human. At the end of the day she was just doing her job and she might have made some absolutely ridiculous claims (especially during the finale). We have to put ourselves in her shoes: fighting a losing battle and Trying to make a terrible person half decent," wrote one.

"Poor Elaine I really think she heard the truth for the first time in court! I sincerely regret making fun of her, it would be hard to deal with such a toxic client. Let's support her after this trial," added another .

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