Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard: The supporting cast steals the limelight


Owning several properties including 45 luxury cars, a yacht and an island, Depp's lifestyle has regularly been in the limelight.

WASHINGTON: Between drama and spectacle, the courtroom showdown pitting Johnny Depp against ex-wife Amber Heard this week focused on the pros and the hangers that surround the stars, perfectly painting the picture of Hollywood. Huh.

The 36-year-old actress, domestic violence charges, and the 58-year-old star's denial, are at the center of a high-profile defamation trial that has been going on since April 11 on the outskirts of the US capital. Washington.

After a flood of testimony, Depp relinquished his spot on the witness stand Tuesday to the bit-players who gravitate around him: the agent, the driver, the bodyguard, the money manager... and these secondary characters sometimes steal the show. took.

- The Weeping Doorman -

Alejandro Romero is a concierge in a luxury building in Los Angeles where the couple lived. Testifying by video link while sitting at the wheel of his car, he said he had not seen any marks on Heard's face since the couple's final argument in May 2016.

The actress soon appeared in a courtroom, her face visibly swollen, to apply for a protective order.

But the porter did not want to remain in his memories. "I'm so stressed out," he whispered over an e-cigarette. "I don't want to deal with it anymore," he said, underlining the point as he started his car.

"Okay," replied Judge Penny Azcarte. "That was the first time, I'm sorry."

- faithful bodyguard -

Bodyguard Malcolm Connolly has worked for Depp for 23 years. With a marked Scottish accent, she offered her unfailing support on Thursday, saying that Heard "wants to wear the pants in this relationship" and added that it was she who started the couple's arguments.

When asked about the actor's alcohol and drug use, he insisted that the star had a "very high tolerance" for "any substance".

"I think Jack Sparrow was more drunk than Johnny Depp," he said, referring to Depp's famous character in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies.

Seeking to show his financial dependence on the actor, Heard's lawyers asked him if he had received $8,500 in gifts over the years.

"He gave me so much more than that!" Connolly answered without hesitation.

- Huge check from financial manager -

Owning several properties including 45 luxury cars, a yacht and an island, Depp's lifestyle has regularly been in the limelight.

Her business manager, Edward White, told the court on Thursday how she sought to have her accounts redressed while settling the costs of her divorce with Amber Heard in 2017.

“She was initially looking for a $4 million idea, but the demand continued to grow,” he said.

In the end, Depp paid her $6.8 million, wrote a check for $200,000 in charity in her name, paid half a million to her attorneys, and took all the debts taken together during her lifetime, assuming about $13.5 million. .

- Agents and confidants -

Christian Carino was an agent and friend of the two actors, but no longer speaks to either of them.

Via the video, he said that he tried in vain to reconcile with her and read the text messages he exchanged with Heard after their divorce.

In a message, the "Aquaman" actress said she was "saddened" to break up with her new boyfriend, billionaire Elon Musk.

"You weren't in love with him and you told me a thousand times you were just filling the space," replied Carino, who was once linked to Lady Gaga.

- Psychological analysis of clothing -

On the first day of testing, Depp wore a light gray suit with a black tie adorned with a bee motif. The next day, Amber Heard had a gray jacket, and the next day she wore a tie with a beehive on it.

On the stand, psychologist Shannon Curry, called by Deppus' legal team, said she thought the actress suffered from a "borderline personality disorder" that might lead her to "mimic" those close to her.

- and now? ,

Heard's attorney would like to hear from Elon Musk and actor James Franco, another close aide of his client. But both refused without giving any reason.

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