Meghan Markle's body language is not affectionate towards Harry, says expert

A Body Language Expert Weighs in on Prince Harry's Recent Ways to Meghan Markle

A body language expert has weighed in on Meghan Markle's recent ways around Prince Harry and it looks like the Duchess of Sussex couldn't be less affectionate towards her husband!

Prince Harry and Meghan spoke on Australian show Sunrise and shared a kiss on stage shortly after the start of the Invictus Games in the Netherlands, with body language expert Louise Mahler saying Meghan was not returning Harry's love.

On April 16, Harry and Meghan appeared on stage at the opening ceremony of the game and Harry planted a kiss on his wife's lips.

Mahler said: "The kisses ... he has all the rhetoric but no body language that is really affectionate."

"When he walked upstairs, you'd think you'd lean forward and hug your hands. Instead, he put his hands flat on his chest and stood up straight. Then he kisses her but she pushes him away and goes away," Express UK further quoted Mahler.

Mahler also said that Meghan seems to have "all the affection of an alley cat - not much."

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