Oslo talks with West will 'change the atmosphere of war': Afghan Taliban

 Kabul: Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Saturday that the Oslo talks, the group's first official talks with the West on European soil since seizing power in Afghanistan, will "change the atmosphere of war" after two decades of insurgency. will help. NATO forces.

The group returned to power in August as US and foreign troops began their final withdrawal from the country after a standoff on the battlefield.

No country has yet recognized the Taliban's government - notorious for its human rights abuses for the first time in power between 1996 and 2001, when they were toppled by a US-led invasion.

Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP today: "The Islamic Emirate has taken steps to meet the demands of the Western world and we look forward to strengthening our ties through diplomacy with all countries, including European countries and the West in general." Huh."

The Taliban "wants to turn the atmosphere of war into a peaceful one."

Talks between the Taliban and Western officials on human rights and humanitarian aid will begin in Oslo on Sunday as the poverty crisis deepens.

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has worsened since the Taliban took over. International aid abruptly stopped and the United States accumulated $9.5 billion (8.4 billion euros) in assets of the Afghan central bank held abroad.

Hunger now threatens 23 million Afghans, or 55% of the population, according to the United Nations, which says the country needs $5 billion from donor countries this year to address the humanitarian crisis.

The visit from Sunday to Tuesday will include meetings between the Taliban, Norwegian officials and officials from several allied countries, including Britain, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy and the United States, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry statement said.

The Taliban delegation is also expected to meet civil society Afghans, including women leaders and journalists.

"These meetings do not represent the legitimacy or recognition of the Taliban," Norwegian Foreign Minister Aniken Huitfeld said on Friday.

"But we must talk to the real authorities in the country. We cannot allow the political situation to lead to a worse humanitarian disaster."

A Taliban delegation led by Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaki was scheduled to leave for Oslo on Saturday.

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