Angelina Jolie releases moving message by Afghani girl: ‘Don’t forget us’

 Angelina Jolie lends her voice to a young Afghan girl who struggles to live a normal life amidst rising risks

Legendary actress Angelina Jolie offers her stage to a young Afghan girl, fearful of whether she will ever get the chance to leave the house again.

The letter tackled the horrors of young women in Afghanistan and began with a caption by the actor himself and it read, "A young lady in #Afghanistan sent me this letter. I'm protecting her identity, but she did so." Haven't been able to go back to school since the Taliban came to power. Now, women are being arrested only for participating in peaceful protests."

The caption also gives voice to the young girl and includes a typed version of her handwritten letter that says, "I may never go out again or even be able to speak because I'm a I'm a girl."

“I think women have no right to speak or to express their views. Women’s rights are taken away from them and they are not allowed to do anything in the country. A few weeks ago when the Taliban raised the issue of women’s rights and Arrested 2 women who raised my voice for freedom, so I thought this was the end and I may never go out again or even be able to speak as a girl. "

The post ended with a petition by the actor himself and it read, "Please track what is happening in Afghanistan, where young girls are being taken from their homes at gunpoint at night and gone missing, And new restrictions are being put on the freedom of women. And girls day by day. Please help make sure they are not forgotten."

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