DraftKings Sportsbook goes live with Super Bowl prop bet on Gatorade color

 The Super Bowl Gatorade Color Prop Bet is back!

Another popular annual Super Bowl prop is back as the Gatorade color prop officially goes live on the DraftKings sportsbook.

Bets can bet on the color of Gatorade that will be cast on Cincinnati Bengals head coach Zack Taylor or Los Angeles Rams head coach Sean McVay. Here are the starting possibilities:

The color of Gatorade rained on the winning coach

Orange: +200

none: +350

Blue: +400

Clear/Water: +450

Yellow/Green: +450

Red/Pink: +600

Violet: +1000

Orange opens as the odds-on favorite at +200 and exemplifies why. The winning Super Bowl coach has been dipped in orange Gatorade a record five times since Super Bowl 35 became an annual tradition in 2001. Blue is the next color at +400 and has won two of the last three years. Clear/Water comes in at +450, but has not been used since Super Bowl 42 in 2008, which would require a significant return.

There is also the option to bet that there will be no liquid bath at all, with the second highest probability being +350. This scenario has happened four times since 2001 and surprisingly, three examples of them involved the New England Patriots and head coach Bill Belichick. One would imagine McVay and Taylor's critical youth coach is more inclined to dump Gatorade on them but you never know.

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