Jeff Carson, country music star turned police officer, 58. dead on

Country music singer and songwriter Jeff Carson, who gave hits with "Not on Your Love" and "The Car" before becoming a police officer, has died in Tennessee, his publicist said. Carson was 58 years old.

Westby said in a news release that Carson was born Jeffrey Lee Herndon in 1963 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The news release stated that Carson sang in church and formed a band in Rogers, Arkansas, before moving to Branson, Missouri, where he wrote songs and played locally.

Carson moved to Nashville and recorded demos for Tracy Lawrence, Reba McEntire, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill and other country stars.

Carson obtained a recording contract at Curb Records in 1995 and released a single, "Ye Buddy". He then recorded the singles "Not on Your Love" and "The Car", which won Carson his first Academy of Country Music Award for Video of the Year.

Westby said that Carson had 14 singles on the Billboard charts in his career.

Carson retired from music to become a police officer at Franklin, where he remained in the police force.

Carson returned to music in 2019 and released a pre-recorded song called "God Save the World".

Westby said Carson was in the studio with Buddy Hyatt recording an album later this year with duets with Michael Ray, Darryl Varley and others.

Singer Brian White said on Twitter that he was saddened to hear of his friend's death.

"He was a tremendous singer and one of the kindest people I've ever met ... I'll see you on the good side," White said.

On Twitter, the Franklin Police Department thanked Carson for his "life of service and song" and said that Carson "changed everyone he met, all of us, for the better!"

"Hard to believe he's gone," the department said on Twitter, along with a video of "God Save the World."

The department also posted a music video starring Carson, in which the former country star "shares her talents for helping us make our non-emergency number unforgettable."

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