Looks like a Star Trek character: Queen saved for bad costume choice

The queen was so offended for her poor dress that she was dubbed by a variety of names

Looks like a Star Trek character: Queen saved for bad costume choice

When it comes to her dressing sense, Rani has always put her best foot forward.

However, she was once involved in a controversy which was uncovered in the documentary Secrets of the Royal Palaces.

Royal experts saw the infamous moment when the Queen, the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret were taken to the Queen Mother's Royal Lodge residence to celebrate her 80th birthday in 1980.

The moment was mocked because of the trio's outfits, which included matching bright blue dresses.

Royal commentators defended the trio because they were "Cadbury rappers".

Daily Mirror columnist Susie Boniface said: "They're dressed like they're in a Cadbury rapper like Quality Streets or something."

Meanwhile historian Tessa Dunlap said the royal women looked like they were part of the sci-fi film Star Trek.

She said: "It seems like he should have a little part in 'Star Trek', to be honest.

"The Queen is looking really grim as she is about to take down the starship Enterprise.

"The Queen Mother is placed with the Archangel Gabriel.

"He has this white halo around his head. After all, since 1945 no one is going to say a rude word about the Queen Mother

"As for Margaret, she's still seduced by those purple blue eyes."

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