Prince Harry, Meghan Markle warn 'golden day' of multimillion-dollar deals 'been gone'

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle's multi-million dollar 'golden age' is really on the decline

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle warn 'golden day' of multimillion-dollar deals 'been gone'

Experts agree that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's star quality and appeal have since 'faded', and with it their 'golden chance' of making bank with multimillion-dollar deals.

Royal commentator Neil Sr made this claim on his personal YouTube account.

There he claimed, "Let me give you a little advice to Harry and Meghan, it's not as easy or as easy as you might think."

“You have to think about the content and then more importantly, you have to produce it, write it and maybe find an audience on top of it all.

"So it's not as easy as they thought, but when you become a major celebrity like Harry and Meghan, the big problem is you have a golden period.

He also said, "Everybody wants to sign you, you get invited to things like the Oscars."

“You are offered all these mega deals because we saw that there is a lot of money along with the book deals, even though they have to have some talismans to make sure people think they get value for money. Has gone. "

"Everything now depends on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the next level of content they will bring to the public."

Before the finale he also said, "If it's a resounding success, they're guaranteed even more money, but in the fickle world of Hollywood they're living in now, if it doesn't resonate with audiences." If so, they can expect a sharp drop in those mega offers and mega deals."

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