Queen Elizabeth receives no money from the Crown Estate

Senior journalist Richard Palmer stated that the Queen does not receive any money from the Crown Estate, the benefits of which have been handed over to the government since 1760, to reflect the fact that the Monarch no longer uses them to pay for state costs. does.

He was responding to a claim on social media that "the royal family's sovereign grant is calculated from 25% of Crown Estate profits."

Richard Palmer noted that the annual surplus from the Crown Estate, which is actually named after the monarch, is only used as an index – for example, rather than the inflation rate. The money still comes from taxpayers.

He said it all comes from the same pot (Also. "There is an important constitutional point: lawmakers have agreed that a constitutional monarchy must be accountable to Parliament and be financially dependent."

Richard Palmer said, "The Queen has made good on this theoretical link between a percentage of the profits of an independent (perhaps arms-length government) estate empire and the profits it receives from the taxpayer since 2012. But now of course she Facing several flat years as profits fell."

He said, "He is fortunate that the sovereign grants of his taxpayers have not been deducted in line with Crown Estate profits. Before the start of the SG, palace officials said it would fall and rise with CE profits. But at the last minute I had agreed that it would never fall."

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