Kevin Williams & Christopher O'Neill: Where Have They Been Since The Karl Stark Murder ?


See No Evil, a true-crime series on Investigation Discovery, investigates harrowing cases in which surveillance tapes were crucial to bringing cases to a satisfactory conclusion. In other words, it includes not only re-enactments and exclusive interviews, but also actual security-camera footage to get to the bottom of what really happened and why. As a result, its Season 5 Episode 8, titled "Stocking Carl," delves deeper into the 2015 murder of Karl Stark, and now, if you want to know all the details about it, we've got you covered.

How did Karl Stark die ?

Carl Henry Stark of St. Louis, who was 36 at the time, was killed in a car accident. In his hometown of Augustine, Florida, he was known as the sweetest and kindest man with an infectious smile. The autistic person has an innate ability to make friends wherever they go, so their daily trips to Game Stop, Home Depot or Walmart after work are almost always enjoyable. On August 18, 2015, however, that all changed when a Jacksonville-born loader, self-employed for Republic Waste Management, was found dead after driving to a nearby Walmart.

At about 11:45, Carl is found lying on the ground between two cars in the parking lot of Vista Cove, a gated community by which he and his mother lived, that fateful evening. By the time police arrived, he was dead, but blood indicated he was the victim of a crime, which was confirmed by his autopsy, which showed that he died of a fatal gunshot wound to the chest. It happened from Apart from his car keys, which helped in his identification, the items he had bought at 9:05 pm. Near his body at Walmart, (along with its receipt) were also discovered.

Who killed Karl Stark ?

Because Carl Stark had no enemies or past problems, the detectives rushed to the multinational retail store where he was last seen alive, hoping to track down his killer using CCTV. That's when they learned that the 36-year-old had left the shop without any damage, only to be followed by a suspicious vehicle to Vista Cove. The fact that the latter did not have its headlights on, despite the dark evening, made the situation even more suspicious. According to a later discovery, the car had previously been stolen from Jacksonville.

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