Selena Gomez offers advice on helping her crush the 'demons of the subconscious'


Selena Gomez recently shed some light on the best possible way for fans to help keep her intrusive thoughts away.

He shares his advice for managing mental health with Glamor UK.

"I'm a big advocate for medicine," she began, addressing fans.

“I also love keeping sticky notes around my house with positive affirmations. I have so many different ones, but 'I am enough' is my favorite - I call them 'rare reminders'. And taking a scrolling break from social media helps!"

To anyone unaware, Gomez is no stranger to emotional ups and downs, as she has faced many struggles that can be attributed to her early rise to fame, as well as her former relationship with Justin Bieber. could.

She has talked about it in many respects throughout her career, but has found herself through a lot of inner work and self-healing.

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