Jada Pinkett Smith 'terrible' marriage with Will Smith: 'Never wanted to get married'

Jada Pinkett Smith was forced by her mother to marry Will Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith had a lot of opposition before marrying Will Smith.

In a revived clip after Will Smith was banned from the Oscars, Jada was seen saying that she cried throughout the ceremony.

Jada shared on Red Table Talk, "I was under a lot of pressure, you know, being a young actress, being young, and I was pregnant and I didn't know what to do."

"I never wanted to get married," she confessed.

"I really didn't want to get married," repeated Pinkett Smith as she sat with mother Adrienne Banfield-Norris, Will Smith, and daughter Willow.

"We only got married because Gammie (Banfield-Norris) was crying," laughed Will Smith.

Pinkett Smith said, "It was almost as if Gammie was like, 'You have to get married, so let's talk about marriage.

Jada's mother then admitted: "I remember feeling very strongly and wanted you guys to get married."

"I remember [you and Will wanting to get married] but I don't remember your rejection of the idea of ​​marriage," she said. "I remember the rejection of the idea of ​​marriage but not of marriage."

"The marriage was terrible," admitted Banfield-Norris. "There was a mess. Jada was sick, she was very obnoxious... She didn't cooperate with anything."

Jada agreed before confessing: "And I was so upset that I had to get married. I was so annoyed that I walked down the aisle crying. I cried all the way down the aisle. ,

However, in retrospect, the couple agreed that marrying each other was the "right call".

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