Meghan Markle accused of 'trying to make a fortune' out of royal family links

Meghan Markle Archetypes podcast mocked by columnist

Meghan Markle is being bashed for her upcoming Archetypes podcast.

Jan Moir, writing for the Daily Mail, says Meghan Markle's upcoming podcast, Archetypes, is being used by the Duchess to promote her feud with the royal family.

Called Archetypes, the series will debut soon, with Meghan promising to use broadcasts to look at the way women are portrayed in the media and labels trying to 'hold them back.' Uh-oh.

"Is it so wrong and bad for me that I envision a series of serious, earnest chats, where the underlying theme is the Duchess of Martyr herself, and the horrible, horrible life she has lived since joining the British royal family, Stepping down as a working member of the British royal family and trying to make an honest-to-good fortune out of your association with the British royal family?

"Is it too terrible to suggest that a better and more accurate title for a podcast series would be 'The One Where I Get Even with Every Bad B*teach Who Ever B*taught About Me'?" she jokes

Accusing Meghan of needing to be in the limelight, Moir says: "As is often the case with the Sussexes, one is torn between appreciating them for a wonderful installment of pure altruism that will benefit the whole world , or wondering whether they're just doing cold-eyed, legacy-building, myth-controlled PR?"

She then scoffs at the title of the podcast, saying Meghan "needs" to rebrand herself with the son's name.

"Meghan promises that Archetypes will feature 'uncensored conversations' with historians, experts and women who 'know all too well' that being classified can affect and change narratives.

"Of course, he doesn't mean fanatical: he means conservatism. But it would also mean that he would have to call his son Stereo, and to trademark everything 'Arc' in Stampede, he probably didn't think about it. Was... I held myself back.

"Anyway, bigotry, stereotypes, media types - call them what you will, it's all going to be great.

"I'm curious to see which typecast woman the Duchess of Marty will consider worthy of the test, while wondering whether Evil Half-Sister, Grandma Moneypot, and Jealous Sister-in-law will make the cut.

She concludes: "Above all, I look forward to the episode in which Meghan will be having an uncensored conversation with herself about stereotyped women and her own role in perpetuating many of them."

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