The Undertaker gets emotional during WWE Hall of Fame ovation

The 2022 WWE Hall of Fame celebrations began after tonight's WWE SmackDown, and inductees in the 2022 class included Vader, Queen Sharmell, The Steiner Brothers, and The Undertaker, as well as Shad Gaspard, the recipient of this year's Warriors Award. Were. After a night of lively moments, it was time for The Undertaker (Mark Calaway) to take the stage, and joining him was none other than WWE President Vince McMahon. McMahon said it was his favorite night of the year, including the holidays, and thanked everyone who attended. He then went on to say that many of those Hall of Famers have made their mark on the WWE Universe and the industry, and then added that there is no one more deserving of the honor that he was going to be inducted into tonight.

McMahon stated that this man has performed for fans for 30 years and suffered many injuries and challenges, literally hell and back, and then he mentioned a list (a long list) of individuals whose Undertaker have encountered over the years, and that's quite a list. He then talked about some of the other challenges he faced, including shooting the shotgun Saturday Night.

He didn't bother with permits or security measures in those days, and then mentioned how surreal it was to see Undertaker and Triple H fighting on the escalator that even New Yorkers were upset about. They talked when he accepted a job living in a cemetery during freezing rain conditions, and he stayed there for 5 hours.

He then mentioned the WWE float that he stood for hours without eating, and then he mentioned that the Undertaker was asked to go down the sewer to take advantage of the steam rising from him for a perfect photo opportunity Was. Then he mentions his loyalty and integrity as well as his respect, but he never demands it, he commands just because of how he acts.

He then added, "The Undertaker is the most respected star in WWE history, and the greatest quality he has brought to the Hall of Fame is love, because what you've done in 30 years isn't done for any reason other than love." The love of business and artists past and present, and the love for the three generations around the world who saw them perform."

Then The Undertaker came into the ring and started shouting Thank You Taker, and you could tell Undertaker was emotional at the reception. The crowd cheered in the presence of the WWE Superstar, and he received a standing ovation. More You Deserve It chants were then chanted, and Undertaker was clearly impressed by the reaction, wiping tears from his eyes as he approached the microphone.

The Undertaker said "For the past 30 years, my identity has been The Undertaker. The Phenom. The Deadman. The American Badass. And The Taker of Souls. Tonight, I'm going to take you behind the scenes and meet the man in black." .hat, Mark Callaway. Now it might have been really easy for me to keep Mark Callaway really hidden until I died, but I just wanted to show you the same respect you've shown me for so many years. I love this business With all my heart, but it doesn't come without sacrifice. Sacrifice in the form of family, health and privacy. I wouldn't be where I am today without all the people who helped me not only in the ring but outside. It. So WWE Universe, my first thank you is to you. You're loyal. You're passionate, and you guys were the inspiration I needed several nights to get off the training table and down here, push through the pain, and perform. "

"So tonight isn't just about me, it's about each of you. I'm going to share with you something that my brother shared with me. It's 1986 and I'm almost 20 And I'm sitting in his living room staring at the floor. I'm almost a semester away from college graduation and I'm conflicted and pathetic," Undertaker said. "I say David. I don't know what to do. Am I a graduate? Do I go abroad to play pro basketball? I don't know what to do. See the decision. It seems impossible. I've consumed the last 10 years." Have been playing basketball, and my opportunities after college were quite promising. Basketball is not what I want to do. My heart is already in wrestling, and I just started my wrestling training, but I already know That's what I want to do with my life, but I also know that my partner is going to be disappointed, and I don't even want to know what my parents are going to say."

"David comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and says to Mark, You can't live your life the way mom and dad want you to. You can't live your life for anyone other than yourself. This It was in that. The moment everything became clear. No matter what, I was going to be a professional wrestler. Was it great? Not until you contemplate banging your head at the bar and know that What can you eat that day. It was the only way I was going to find my true identity. I respected my parents so much that I didn't want to disappoint them, but I couldn't live the life they were wanted me to be known for my identity and be accountable for my actions and pursue my dreams without fear of what other people might consider," Undertaker said.

"My dreams inspired me to be The Undertaker. Now you all know my signature moves. Tombstone. Okay, tonight, I'm going to reveal some of my psychic signature moves, and because we live our lives in someone else's life." Can't live for and for but for yourself. , hopefully, all of this will help you find your true identity as well thanks to WWE. Now unfortunately the earliest and most important lesson I learned was myself Vince, aka The Boss. I was working on a squash match, sorry, an enhancement match, with this local kid, who won and was probably more nervous than I could have imagined," Undertaker said .

Then he said that the opponent kept spoiling his moves one after the other, and so he fattened him a little. "Later Vince is there and he turns to him and said: 'Mark, perception is reality, and the reality is that everyone in that area and everyone here backstage thinks you're an asshole.' "And in that moment I knew he was right. The Undertaker then said that he was not proud of his actions that night, and had to learn the hard way that perception is reality, and this became his first mental trick. Throughout his career he reminded himself that his actions matter.

The Undertaker then said that when he thinks of perception, he thinks of Stephanie McMahon. She said that she is not as brat as she appears onscreen, she is actually older. He then said that he thought of Stephanie as the sister he never wanted, and she laughed, and then added that she knew how much he loved her and his family. He then talks about Shane wearing his sunglasses at 2 a.m. and all those crazy places he's been constantly harassing him during their matches.

He gave the Godfather a hard time for a minute, but said that they have been friends for a long time and fought each other over hats, watches and everything you can imagine, but he always knew that The godfather has his back. He then pointed to BSK, and then said that he would take the stories with him to the grave and said how much he loved them.

He then thanked Yokozuna and Bryan Crush Adams, and then shared a story about his late friend. He then mentions Paul Bearer, saying that he was an important part of Undertaker and a tremendous friend who used to joke with him, such as sticking cucumbers in his drink. Then he said "Big Kane. Our story spans two decades as the Brothers of Destruction. Greatest wrestling story ever. You're undoubtedly the most real human I know Glenn. I'm sorry, he would have insisted." That's what I call 'em. To make people better is a gift."

The Undertaker then thanked Shawn Michaels, Triple H and his kids and wife Michelle McCool, and it was a pretty amazing moment for a WWE legend.

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