Monica Lewinsky believes this trial has plunged viewers into mess and social media wars

Monica Lewinsky recently declared that no matter who wins or loses in Johnny Depp's defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard, "we are all guilty".
In an op-ed published Tuesday, Lewinsky wrote that she previously viewed the ongoing trial in "bits and bites," though she later shed her "guilty charm" like the others.
Lewinsky regretted that the trial had "drenched the audience in the stain of filth and aggression of the social media wars".
The activist commented that viewership on this test was "obtained through videos and social media clips".
“It is like going to the opera and reading a couple of translated supertitles but not understanding Italian. Therefore, our consumption has become biased, curated and cursive,” she said.
Lewinsky's relationship to the midst of this "celebrity circus" has major implications for culture.
"This legal spectacle would be very sad if it only affected the personal lives of Depp, Heard and their loved ones," he said. “This will be quite sad, even if we consider how this has affected domestic violence survivors or those who have sought strength in the #MeToo movement. However, it has bigger implications for our culture that I find most important. worry more."
Lewinsky noted in his remarks that as such "we are devaluing our dignity and humanity by choosing to test for our own purposes on social media".
In the end, the worker also put some questions in front of the readers for introspection.
"As we have seen this story unfold, what does our opinion empower us to do? Does it give us the right to say what we believe? And most importantly, does it give us the right to be cruel? right?" He asked.