Hugh Grant criticizes UK Home Secretary over 'inhuman' immigration queue

Hugh Grant expresses anger over long queues at Heathrow Airport on social media

Hugh Grant recently termed Priti Patel as "the worst home secretary in British history".

On Tuesday, the Bridget Jones Diary actor took to Twitter and shared a photo of the long queues at Heathrow Airport immigration.

In the post, Grant expressed outrage at how visitors to the UK are treated at immigration, calling it "disgraceful and inhumane".

"Dear UK visitors, I apologize for the way you were treated upon arrival," the Golden Globe winner wrote in a tweet.

He continued, "Terminal 3 Heathrow was just a disgrace and dehumanization. I'm afraid we have the worst Home Secretary in British history."

The Notting Hill actor was asked by one of his followers to share more details.

"It's a queue for immigration control. Which is run and operated by the Home Office. We're not allowed to call Brexiters fat, but it's a struggle sometimes," Grant replied.

Reportedly, the music and song actor has been critical of the current UK government for its policies.

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