PBC rejects promotion of SHC CJ as SC judge

 ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Bar Council on Friday ruled out the possibility of considering the Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court for his appointment as a Supreme Court judge as he was facing misconduct charges.

A statement issued by the newly elected Vice-President, Pakistan Bar Council, Hafeez-ur-Rehman Chowdhury, said that although they were convinced to adhere to the principle of seniority for promotion as judges of the Supreme Court, the supremacy of the Constitution, governance Rule of law and independence of the judiciary, they will not support any judge facing charges of misconduct or poor performance, especially the Chief Justice of the SHC, who through his registrar in some districts of Sindh under his supervision para legal Were facing serious allegations of staff recruitment. Through Article 203 of the Constitution.

"Hence, his case will not be considered for appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court"

Till disposal of pending petitions (Nos. 6/2020 and No. 8/2020) as well as interconnected references under Article 209 of the Constitution," reads the statement.

Vice President PBC demanded that all pending references be decided expeditiously and said that the act of Chief Justice Sindh was reprehensible, as on January 04, 2020, he directed Rashid A. Rajvi by allowing encashment of leave for six months and fixed his retirement date in 2000 from the date of actual retirement to December 17, 2009. In addition, Razvi continued his legal practice in the High Court of Sindh for more than 20 years after his retirement.

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