PM Blasts Senate: PM Threatens Opposition Instead of Solving Problems, Says Sherry

 ISLAMABAD: The opposition in the Senate on Monday took strong objection to Prime Minister Imran Khan's warning and said it was very clear who he was threatening.

In response, the Treasury Bench hit back and insisted that Prime Minister Imran Khan had not threatened, but had shown the mirror to the incompetent opposition, which had experienced 30 years of incompetence in governance.

Responding to a question during a telephonic conversation with the public on Sunday, the prime minister had warned the opposition that it would be more deadly for them if he left the government.

At a point of public importance, PPP parliamentary leader Sherry Rahman demanded an explanation from the Treasury bench as to how a sitting prime minister can decide who is or is not the leader of the opposition. “It is neither their decision nor it is their prerogative. Members of Parliament are elected by the people of Pakistan, who are sovereign according to the Constitution of Pakistan,” she argued.

"The people of Pakistan have a sovereign right to choose their representatives, not their own prerogative as to their own arrogant and bizarre conception of the country's political and constitutional reality," he said. He believed that a strange state of uncertainty prevailed in the country while the prime minister was busy undermining the parliament.

Sherry wondered who he was threatening, while the people who chose him would be laughing, alleging that he was made prime minister through rigging. “Instead of saving the country from the crisis, the Prime Minister of Pakistan says that he will climb on the container to create a threat. Who is he threatening? Does he want to burn Pakistan,” he asked and expressed regret that instead of trying to collectively find a solution to the country's problems, he was issuing warnings while the country echoed the presidential system.

He emphasized that it is high time for him to understand that his time in the PM House is now limited, given the disastrous performance of his government in every sense. His persistent past, or external circumstances or thinking of anyone except his own incompetent government, has now become a joke for the people of Pakistan.

“Instead of providing a solution, he is now openly threatening both the opposition and a sizable majority electing the opposition. He is making Pakistan laughing stock by threatening his own country but also sending a message to his selectors who are now clearly fed up with this amateur show. The government is sinking like a leaking ship, and instead of saving its own dignity, the PM is cursing everyone."

"It is irresponsible and extremely dangerous to put the country's stability and security in the dock for our personal whims and fantasies of power. Such an unstable person should not take over the reins of the country," he said.

Responding to their displeasure, Leader of the House Dr Shahzad Wasim alleged, "Please tell me, who will threaten such an incompetent opposition which does not deserve the threat. In fact the Prime Minister has shown you the mirror and that is why you are so angry. Opposing his remarks, the opposition staged a symbolic walkout from the House.

Wasim said that those who were disqualified by the court were calling the government incompetent and asked, if so, how can GDP growth of 5.37 pc despite Covid, while the farmer was prosperous and Rs 1,100 billion in agriculture went to the area. And it has changed his life. “The farmer now has a tractor and they (opposition) mourn it. The premier had mirrored him on his performance and what he was doing in the National Assembly. "The PTI government has brought the economy back on track and Bloomberg and the World Bank have recognized it," he said. ,

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