DJ Jazzy Jeffs Gives His Two Cents at Will Smith's Oscars Event

DJ Jazzy Jeff Weighs In On Will Smith's Recent Oscar Controversy

DJ Jazzy Jeff has recently turned his attention to Will Smith's recent Oscar controversy and lent his support to the Aladdin star.

Although the Chris Rock-Will Smith feud at the 2022 Oscars has been raging for weeks, social media is still raving about the repercussions of the explosive event.

Amidst all this, Smith's former collaborator DJ Jazzy Jeffs has now joined the ranks of those who have shown support for The Pursuit of Happiness star because he believes the critics of the event are those who matter. I can't understand!

For those unaware, Jeff and Smith—then known as the Fresh Prince—were partners in a hip-hop duo in the late 1980s, and had several hits to their name.

As Blast reports, Jeff, who is now 57, had a good relationship with Smith for years, and he recently drew attention to his friend's Oscar controversy and spoke out against critics of Smith's actions.

Jeff, for his part, was quick to defend Smith's character.

Jeff maintained Smith's decision to slap The Rock "was a lapse in judgment."

"I guess the thing I've realized is that I don't know many people who have had at least as many lapses of judgment as they do. I can name 50 times that from someone - Should have smacked out, and he didn't."

"So for him to be a lapse in judgment, he's human. And I think a lot of the criticism comes from people who don't think such people are human," concluded Jeffs.

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