Kim Kardashian's Reaction To Roblox Banned The Game For Clicking Her Tapes

Kim Kardashian's reaction to the Roblox game advertising her infamous sex tape has gotten the game going

Kim Kardashian's emotional reaction to seeing a Roblox game advertising her infamous sex tape has reportedly elicited the game and its developer has been banned from the online gaming platform, reports Games Industry.

The said game was exposed in a new episode of Kardashian's Hulu reality series, in which Kim watches an ad for the game while her son plays a game on Saint Roblox. The ad claimed that the game contained a tape from 2007.

Roblox took immediate action after clips from the reality show went viral, saying: "The referenced video was never available on [its] platform."

It has since taken the game down and banned the developer, confirms.

A Roblox spokesperson was also quoted as saying: "We have strict restraints and policies in place to protect our community, including zero tolerance for any type of sexual content that violates our Community Rules. "

The textual reference to the tape that was found around our filter was quickly taken down and fortunately visible to very few people on stage,” the spokesperson continued.

He added: “We also swiftly removed the related experience and banned the community developer involved in the incident.”

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