Camilla understands Princess Diana's pain after marrying Prince Charles

Camilla Parker struggles to adjust to royal family

Camilla Parker understood Princess Diana's feelings right after marrying into the royal family.

The Princess Consort, who has been given the green light to become Charles's queen, struggles to shed her former habits as a normal person.

Speaking on the latest episode of Royally US, hosts Christina Garibaldi and Christine Ross discuss Camilla's early life in the monarchy.

Ms Garibaldi said: "She [Tina Brown] talks about how Camilla really had a hard time adjusting to royal life and Charles' schedule"

Quoting Tina Brown, she said: Punctuality was never Camilla's strong suit, but Charles was expected to be ready for engagement at his own regular pace.

"He would snap when [Camilla] asked him where they were going 'Didn't you read the acronym?

"A friend of Camilla's at the time told me that she was beginning to feel some sympathy with Diana's manifold dissatisfaction".

Ms Garibaldi said: "It's interesting, I think it's not easy to adjust to royal life, and it was in Charles' blood from day one".

She continued: "I'm sure he [Charles] would probably automatically assume people would pick it up right away"

"I think it's really kind of different from, you know, your other half being partner and fiancé and then wife, all of a sudden, being his business partner in a way".

Ms. Brown also wrote in her book: "The ambivalence of her position was becoming untenable. For some time, she thought that there was an advantage to not being Charles' wife.

"She always hated flying, speaking in public, getting dressed, and getting the attention of the press. She never had a calendar full of things she didn't want to do, which essentially defined the royal way of life." does."

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