Johnny Depp's lawyer says Amber Heard claimed Me Without Knowing Me when she first accused ex-husband of domestic violence.
Benjamin Chew said in his closing argument Friday at the Fairfax County Courthouse in Virginia: "You now know the real Amber Heard. Scary."
“Before Ms. Heard, no woman ever – before Ms. Heard, no woman ever claimed that Mr. Depp ever raised her hand,” he claimed in court.
"And no other woman has made a false claim since Ms. Heard.
"This is me without knowing me too," he said.
Mr. Chew disputed that: "Mr. Depp is no saint, and he never claimed to be one."
He continued to discuss that Mr Depp "owns his flaws".
“But he is not a violent abuser,” and Ms. Heard’s “allegations caused Mr. Depp to do more harm than his fists ever did.”
“Mr. Depp will go to his grave – no matter the outcome of this trial – knowing those who once looked up to him will believe he beat a woman,” Mr. Chew told the court.