Amber Heard is reportedly getting into fights with her lawyer, Ellen Breedhoft
Amber Heard is reportedly struggling to maintain a cordial atmosphere around her legal team, with TMZ suggesting that the actress may also feud with her lawyer, Ellen Breedhoft.
As gossip outlet TMZ reported, after a particularly difficult week for Team Heard at the Fairfax County Courthouse in Virginia, netizens began to express their sympathy for Breedhoft, who wrote a razor-sharp analysis of Depp's attorney Camille Vasquez. worked hard against.
Internet users around the world, or at least those following the case, noted Breedhoft's apparent dismay with the objections of his client Hurd as well as Vasquez.
At one point, Breedhoft appeared so helpless that he shouted at the stand: "I'm trying, I'm trying..."
Breedhoft's plight seemed even worse when his client, Hurd, walked out of the courtroom against the judge's orders.
In fact, TMZ reported that there have been rumors that Heard is engaging in courtroom 'fights' and 'shouting matches' with his team, however, there is no way to ascertain these claims.