Ivanka Trump remembers late mother Ivana with heart, posts childhood photos

Ivana Trump, the famous businessman and former US President Donald Trump's first wife, passed away on Thursday afternoon. She was 73 years old.

Following her sudden death, Ivana's children, Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric took to their respective social media handles and paid heartfelt tributes to their mother.

Trump's 40-year-old daughter Ivanka shared her personal statement on Friday and said, 'I will always remember him and will always keep his memory alive in our hearts.

Ivanka, who also served as a senior adviser in Trump's administration, shared an adorable photo of herself with her mother on Twitter and said, "He lived life to the fullest - an opportunity to laugh and dance anytime soon." Didn't leave."

She also said that Ivana was "brilliant, charming, sentimental and wickedly funny" and was "heartbroken" at her death.

Trump's 38-year-old son Eric also paid tribute to his mother. On her Instagram she posted an adorable family photo and wrote, "Our mother was an incredible woman - a force in business, a world class athlete, a radiant beauty, and a caring mother and friend."

"Ivana Trump was a survivor. She fled communism and took this country. She taught her children about patience and toughness, compassion and determination. She will miss her mother, her three children and ten grandchildren. "

Trump, 76, announced the death of his ex-wife in a post on his social media site Truth Social. He called her "a wonderful, beautiful and wonderful woman who led a life of great inspiration."

Trump and Ivana had three children together – Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. The couple married in 1977 and divorced in 1992.

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