After making his big screen presence in December with Kabir Khan's 83, Ranveer Singh is returning to entertain us with Jayeshbhai Jordaar. The actor took to social media on Thursday to drop a special announcement. Helmed by Divyang Thakkar, the film will also mark the Bollywood debut of Arjun Reddy star Shalini Pandey and has been one of the most awaited films of the year.
Making the announcement, Ranveer wrote, "Naam hai jayeshbhai... aur kaam hai jordar !!! date announcement video cheg out #YRF50 with #JayeshBhaiJordan Celebrate 13th May only on a big screen near you."
YRF also quashed the announcement and tweeted, "Saare Heroes Ek Taarf, and #JayeshBhaiJordar Ek Taarf! Celebrate #YRF50 with #JayeshBhaiJordan on 13th May only on a big screen near you."
Check it out:
Ranveer is looking forward to audiences of all age groups to watch the film as he feels that Jayeshbhai Jordaar will touch everyone's heart with its inspiring story. Talking about his character, Ranveer said, "Jayesh is no bigger than your normal life hero, but what he does during the course of the story is heroic. And that is what I was attracted to. He is a hero. And what he pulls off is remarkable and really super. He's a very unconventional kind of superhero."
Jayeshbhai Jordaar was supposed to release in February this year but was pushed due to Omicron scare. With Maharashtra now easing restrictions and allowing cinemas to operate at 100 per cent capacity, many big-ticket Bollywood movies are gearing up for release. Jayeshbhai Jordar produced by Maneesh Sharma will now release on May 13, 2022.