Johnny Depp flees to Serbia after defamation lawsuit?

Social media echoed by Depp's 'leaving the USA'

Johnny Depp fans are sure that the actor is flying to the United States for Serbia after winning a blatant lawsuit against ex-wife Amber Heard in Virginia.

Social media is abuzz with posts of Depp 'leaving the USA' as an old clip of the actor, which was filmed during his stay in Serbia where he received an award.

In a viral TikTok video, the Pirates of the Caribbean star is seen making a statement that he is contemplating leaving the USA.

However, the rumors are not true as Depp visited Belgrade, Serbia, to receive an award by President Aleksandar Vucic for "outstanding merit in public and cultural activities, especially in the field of art and for the promotion of the Republic of Serbia to the world". For. "In February 2022.

“I really, sincerely, thank President Vucic, and this medal of merit. If I have the honor to walk away from it, I thank you for being kind enough to give it to me.” They said.

He continued: "I'm on the verge of a new life right now and I love it, I love starting again. And I would like the beginning to start here in Serbia, if you'll have me.

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